Conference on Police Accountability
Two regional conferences one each in West Africa and South Asia are being organized to identify gaps and opportunities in police accountability in the regions. A wide range of stakeholders to police accountability including police leadership, parliamentary members, civil society, media, and academia will confer on advances and shortfalls in three spheres of police accountability- internal, state and social controls.
Mapping Police Accountability
How can police governance regarding performance (or crime control) cost and conduct be analysed holistically and inclusively? What indicators and their cluster can be evolved to measure performance, leadership, policy change and institutionalization in varying conditions and population groups? The project maps these dimensions and others for select African and Asian countries widening the country base annually.
- Indicators basket for Police Accountability – An indicator-based measurement tool with theme specific baskets of indicators, sensitive to different population group and vulnerabilities will be constructed. For instance, what indicators best capture police accountability to ethnic minorities, women or migrants.
- Web interactive indicators baskets – The framework will be constructed into a web tool that will offer police accountability outputs for themes, population groups or regions. The indicators will be populated and updated annually, allowing practitioners to map and track performance.
Governance reforms in post-colonial societies
In support of innovation responding to local needs of safety and security, pilots from West Africa and South Asia will be developed to generate knowledge and improve service delivery in policing.
Evolving a Pilot Project: Local police accountability reform
Election management in democracies is a challenging task. The core of any functioning democracy is legitimacy. And the basic ingredient of legitimacy is based on the perception as to how far electoral processes have ensured free and fair elections, and how far democratic institutions have become more participatory and representative. This assumes imperative relevance, especially, when crisis of trust and legitimacy of the institutions and of the leadership become pertinently pronounced.